Delta Partnership

Delta Partnership is all about development of people - individuals, teams and organisations - and we've been working in this field for over 30 years. Outside of executive coaching, our main development offering is our Leader's Voice®️ programme which we have run in professional recording studios all over the world for the last 15 years. Leader's Voice®️ is is an effective and innovative development programme for those leaders who want to: * be authentic * express themselves powerfully * have impact whenever they communicate to one or to many.
Main contact:
Marion Pidgeon
Specialist Areas:
Leader's Voice®️ - for leaders who want to communicate powerfully and authentically, to engage stakeholders effectively. Run in professional recording studios, Leader's Voice®️ taps into one of the most powerful, but potentially under-examined, tools in a leader's toolkit - the voice. Leader’s Voice®️ examines leadership both through the message delivered and through the individual leader’s values and emotional connection to the content. This allows exploration of any underlying blockers or triggers preventing effective expression. Our programme helps individual leaders to express themselves with power, impact and authenticity as they go about the business of leadership i.e. "creating a future that doesn’t yet exist".